G.O.C. Synod - Limassol Cyprus 2011

Attending the Synodal meeting, from left to right:

Deacon Harálampos, Hieromonk Sozómenos, Priest Nikólas, the Metropolitans; of Ukraine Seraphím, of Vrantsea Geróntios, of Kition Parthénios, of Mesogaias Kírykos, of Kenya Matthew, and the priests Michaél and Ŕgathoklis and Hieromonk Jeremiah.

The Metropolitan of Kition Parthenios presided today at  the Synaxis of the Pan-Orthodox Holy Synod of the Genuine Orthodox Church held in Limassol, Cyprus. The Synod gathers on this occasion to concelebrate on the patronal feast of the temple, Righteous Xenia of Rome (January 24th).

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